YOU DON’T SAY: Carol Swain: ‘Academic Standards Have Been Compromised.’
58s By Stephen GreenYOU DON’T SAY: Carol Swain: ‘Academic Standards Have Been Compromised.’THERE’S GOLDBERG SIGNAL SCANDAL. AND THE BIDEN PERJURY SCANDAL: Techno Fog makes effective use of th
8m By Mark TapscottTHERE’S GOLDBERG SIGNAL SCANDAL. AND THE BIDEN PERJURY SCANDAL: Techno Fog makes effective use of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) even though it often entails unacceptable costs and delays. But those factors can be overcome, as is seen in today’s…BIG SPRING SALE: Dockers Men’s Classic Fit Workday Khaki. #CommissionEarned
12m By Helen SmithBIG SPRING SALE: Dockers Men’s Classic Fit Workday Khaki. #CommissionEarnedSARAH HOYT’S SHOCKED FACE IS GETTING ITS MILLION-MILE OVERHAUL: ADHD misinformation rampant on TikT
17m By Glenn ReynoldsSARAH HOYT’S SHOCKED FACE IS GETTING ITS MILLION-MILE OVERHAUL: ADHD misinformation rampant on TikTok, study finds.CHECKS OUT: I’d never even cons
25m By Stephen GreenCHECKS OUT: — Tim Young (@TimRunsHisMouth) March 24, 2025 I’d never even considered an EV before lefties started setting fire to them.ANALYSIS: TRUE.
34m By Stephen GreenANALYSIS: TRUE. If you have to explain to members of your political party why they shouldn’t vandalize your property then you are in the wrong political party. — Chase Geiser (@realchasegeiser) March 25, 2025YOU STAY CLASSY, DEMS: It’s sti
47m By Ed DriscollYOU STAY CLASSY, DEMS: Th Governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, has used a wheelchair since 1984 when he was tragically paralyzed in an accident. Today, the unquestioned leader of the Democratic Party, Rep. Jasmine Crockett, mocks him with the insult “Governor Hot…IT’S LONG PAST NOW, AND WAS NEVER AS GOLDEN AS PEOPLE REMEMBER, REALLY: Graydon Carter and the ‘G
56m By Glenn ReynoldsIT’S LONG PAST NOW, AND WAS NEVER AS GOLDEN AS PEOPLE REMEMBER, REALLY: Graydon Carter and the ‘Golden Age of Magazines.’ Except in terms of expense accounts. We all miss those.ROGER SIMON AND SHERYL LONGIN INTRODUCE THE INOCULATOR: How to Avoid Indoctrination at Any U. S. Co
58m By Glenn ReynoldsROGER SIMON AND SHERYL LONGIN INTRODUCE THE INOCULATOR: How to Avoid Indoctrination at Any U. S. College or University. Which courses to take, or avoid, across many campuses.DON’T TRADE WITH COMMIES: Trump Announces ‘Secondary Tariffs’ on Venezuelan Oil Trade.
1h By Stephen GreenDON’T TRADE WITH COMMIES: Trump Announces ‘Secondary Tariffs’ on Venezuelan Oil Trade.GOOD. Why Lawrence VanDyke’s Video Dissent in Duncan is a Real Problem For Anti-Gun Judges. Mo
1h By Glenn ReynoldsGOOD. Why Lawrence VanDyke’s Video Dissent in Duncan is a Real Problem For Anti-Gun Judges. More here.NOTHING TO SEE HERE, MOVE ALONG: Judge who blocked Trump deportations took junket to event with anti
2h By Stephen GreenNOTHING TO SEE HERE, MOVE ALONG: Judge who blocked Trump deportations took junket to event with anti-Trump speakers, sponsor. Boasberg was one of nine Democrat-appointed judges and three Trump nominated jurists to attend the conference in ritzy Sun Valley,…TRUMP’S PERSONNEL WINS GET MUCH-NEEDED VOICE: The MSM, the federal bureaucrat unions, and the non-pr
2h By Mark TapscottTRUMP’S PERSONNEL WINS GET MUCH-NEEDED VOICE: The MSM, the federal bureaucrat unions, and the non-profit “experts” will blast Trump no matter what he does. Now, the OPM Comms operation has launched an optimistic, positive, forward-looking communications…JUDGES WHO CAN’T EVEN WATCH A VIDEO OF A GUN BEING DISASSEMBLED AREN’T GROWN-UP ENOUGH TO SERVE: 9th
2h By Stephen GreenJUDGES WHO CAN’T EVEN WATCH A VIDEO OF A GUN BEING DISASSEMBLED AREN’T GROWN-UP ENOUGH TO SERVE: 9th Circuit Leftists Triggered When Judge Uses Gun to Show How Clueless Their Anti-Gun Decision Is.HE GETS IT: And yet, so many people are delighted to have the opportunity to freak out about somet
2h By Sarah HoytHE GETS IT: And yet, so many people are delighted to have the opportunity to freak out about something that Trump administration did. It’s bizarre how they play along with leftist narratives. The answer to your enemies is to give them nothing. Nothing.…THE FUTURE BELONGS TO THOSE WHO SHOW UP: With No Immigration, US Population Will Fall Over 30% by 21
3h By Stephen GreenTHE FUTURE BELONGS TO THOSE WHO SHOW UP: With No Immigration, US Population Will Fall Over 30% by 2100. In its main case, which the Census Bureau considers the most likely scenario, the U.S. population is projected to increase slowly from its current level of…ONCE YOU HEAR ‘THE ATLANTIC’ YOU KNOW IT’S OVERBLOWN: Here’s What the Media Won’t Tell You About the
3h By Charlie MartinONCE YOU HEAR ‘THE ATLANTIC’ YOU KNOW IT’S OVERBLOWN: Here’s What the Media Won’t Tell You About the Atlantic Hit Piece. UPDATE: BREAKING: Tulsi Gabbard just confirmed no classified information was shared with The Atlantic in the group chat during…BAN BIGOTRY: Congress urged to ban DEI accreditation standards as ABA drops diversity mandate.
3h By Glenn ReynoldsBAN BIGOTRY: Congress urged to ban DEI accreditation standards as ABA drops diversity mandate.GOOD NEWS: Hamas Keeps Getting Deader.
3h By Stephen GreenGOOD NEWS: Hamas Keeps Getting Deader.STILL WAITING ON THE “QUEER QURAN” COURSE: University of Richmond offers ‘Queer Bible’ course f
3h By Glenn ReynoldsSTILL WAITING ON THE “QUEER QURAN” COURSE: University of Richmond offers ‘Queer Bible’ course for students to study ‘queer pleasure in the Bible.’WELL, YES: Plaintiffs Challenging Trump’s DEI Order Are Trying To Game The Judicial System. On
4h By Stephen GreenWELL, YES: Plaintiffs Challenging Trump’s DEI Order Are Trying To Game The Judicial System. On February 21, 2024, Judge Adam Abelson, a Joe Biden appointee, entered a preliminary injunction in favor of the plaintiffs. In that injunction, Judge Abelson held…KRUISER’S MORNING BRIEFING: 2024’s Big Message — The Kids Are All Right. “Countless articles have
9:06am By Stephen GreenKRUISER’S MORNING BRIEFING: 2024’s Big Message — The Kids Are All Right. “Countless articles have been written in the past couple of months — some of them by me — about the sorry state of the Democratic Party here in the year of our Lord 2025.…I WAS TRAVELING YESTERDAY, AND FELL A BIT BEHIND, but the Signal story seems like a nothingburger to
9:05am By Glenn ReynoldsI WAS TRAVELING YESTERDAY, AND FELL A BIT BEHIND, but the Signal story seems like a nothingburger to me. In fact, I kind of wonder if Goldberg was deliberately included as part of an information op, allowing them to release stuff they didn’t want to be seen…YEAH, BUT IT WAS OKAY WHEN OBAMA SAID IT BECAUSE EVERYONE KNEW HE DIDN’T MEAN IT. https://twitter
8:59am By Glenn ReynoldsYEAH, BUT IT WAS OKAY WHEN OBAMA SAID IT BECAUSE EVERYONE KNEW HE DIDN’T MEAN IT. Is this not literally word for word what Elon Musk’s DOGE mission is? Barack Obama “Everyone knows that getting rid of the deficit will require some tough decisions, and…JOANNE JACOBS: Academia tilts very far to the left: Restoring balance won’t be easy. “In most dis
8:35am By Stephen GreenJOANNE JACOBS: Academia tilts very far to the left: Restoring balance won’t be easy. “In most disciplines there aren’t enough conservative PhDs to staff ideologically balanced campuses, or even provide otherwise left-leaning campuses a vibrant…JOSH BLACKMAN IS UNENTHUSED ABOUT AMY CONEY BARRETT’S MEMOIR: The bigger problem is that this mem
8:31am By Glenn ReynoldsJOSH BLACKMAN IS UNENTHUSED ABOUT AMY CONEY BARRETT’S MEMOIR: The bigger problem is that this memoir will simply not be compelling. Barrett’s life was largely one of privilege. She grew up in an affluent family, went to excellent private schools, clerked…DOMESTIC TERROR: Attendees at AOC and Bernie Sanders Denver Rally Openly Threaten to Kill President
8:30am By Glenn ReynoldsDOMESTIC TERROR: Attendees at AOC and Bernie Sanders Denver Rally Openly Threaten to Kill President Trump.YEAH, THAT’S PRETTY MUCH HOW IT WORKS:
8:30am By Glenn ReynoldsYEAH, THAT’S PRETTY MUCH HOW IT WORKS: — MyFitnessFeelings (@fitnessfeelingz) March 23, 2025THEY SHOULD BE REVOLTING AGAINST STARMER, PERIOD: UK Military Revolting Against Starmer Ukraine Pla
8:27am By Glenn ReynoldsTHEY SHOULD BE REVOLTING AGAINST STARMER, PERIOD: UK Military Revolting Against Starmer Ukraine Plan?UGH: Deja Vu: Georgia Woman Murdered. Guess Who Did It? “It didn’t take too long for police to find
8:04am By Stephen GreenUGH: Deja Vu: Georgia Woman Murdered. Guess Who Did It? “It didn’t take too long for police to find the suspect. Twenty-one-year-old Hector David Sagastume Rivas is currently charged with felony murder and aggravated assault. Oh yeah, and he’s not even…
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