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  • Occupied Palestinian Territory is Reoccupied Jewish Territory

    2h By David Singer
    The UN General Assembly should take no comfort from the Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in “Legal Consequences arising from the policies and practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem”…
  • Harley’s Davidson’s New Perfect Rider: Shaved Chest, Pink Panties

    2h By Milt Harris
    Easy Rider Starring Peter Fonda and Dennis Hopper Say it ain't so. Not Harley Davidson. Not an American company that represented rebellious fun. Not an American company that constitutes toughness.…
  • Trump Is Running Against Far-Left Policies The Candidate Doesn’t Matter

    2h By Milt Harris
    Kamala Harris is the new puppet for the far-left Democratic regime. Is she an inadequate clown who doesn’t deserve to be there? Of course she is, but the puppet out front doesn’t matter. What matters is the policies of the people pulling on her marionette…
  • FL Abortion Amendment 4 Will Have Warning on Ballot

    3h By Liberty Counsel
    TALLAHASSEE, FL – Florida’s Amendment 4, which proposes to codify unrestricted abortion in the state’s constitution, is now slated to come with a financial impact statement on the November ballot. The ballot will contain a brief, 150-word allotted…
  • Netanyahu to Congress: “America and Israel Must Stand Together”

    3h By Liberty Counsel
    WASHINGTON, D.C. – In a record-breaking fourth address to a joint session of Congress surpassing Winston Churchill, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vigorously defended his nation’s fight in Gaza against Hamas terrorists and called for America and…
  • Court Blocks DOE’s Rewrite of Title IX

    4h By Liberty Counsel
    JEFFERSON CITY, MO – U.S. District Judge Rodney Sippel of the Eastern District of Missouri has blocked the Department of Education’s unconstitutional rewrite of Title IX in six states that would force women to share private spaces with gender-confused…
  • New Hampshire Joins States Protecting Children From Gender Ideology

    4h By Liberty Counsel
    CONCORD, NH – Exactly half of U.S. states now protect female sports from the intrusion of gender-confused males, while more than half of all states now protect minors from irreversible medical mutilation. New Hampshire has recently enacted laws becoming the…
  • Confronting the “Woke Mind Virus” of Gender Ideology

    1:35pm By Liberty Counsel
    ORLANDO, FL – No one is immune to destructive gender ideology, not even Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk, the wealthiest man in the world with a net worth of $233.9 billion. In 2022, the billionaire’s then 18-year-old son, Xavier, announced a new female…
  • Dealey Plaza 2.0?

    11:38am By Ray DiLorenzo
    Last photo of Thomas Crooks taken by a Secret Service sniper. It seems obvious he is in an aiming position. Why is he still alive at this point? Americans are becoming totally frustrated and fed up with a government that is more of a facade than a reality.…
  • Mostly Peaceful Assassinations

    11:38am By Daniel Greenfield
    The attempted assassination of President Trump was on the right side of history. The inch that spared his life was on the wrong side of history.Leftists see history as a series of confrontations between progressive and reactionary forces. The escalation of…
  • Kamala Harris Doesn't Represent Black Men and Can't Represent Us

    11:37am By Nadra Enzi
    In honor of a late beloved ancestor and close relative, I allowed myself fleeting feelings of pride for her sorority sister, Vice President--and presumptive 2024 Democratic Presidential nominee--Kamala Harris.…
  • Democrats Dive From The Frying Pan Into The Fire

    Thu 11:37pm By Milt Harris
    Wow, the Democratic Party is in seriously bad shape. They rolled the dice, chose two puppets, and gave control of the marionette strings to the radical left. Biden was placed in office but was never fit for the job. The left then used him as a weak frontman to…
  • The Primary Purpose of a Bureaucracy

    Thu 7:05pm By Steve Rossiter
    Recently, Jeffery Tucker wrote a wonderful article about competence (Epoch Times -- The Changed Meaning Of Competence). Being a retired civil servant, I recognized exactly what Tucker was talking about. However, most important is the fact that all…
  • It Was Inevitable, Anyone Questioning The Trump Shooting Is Sexist

    Wed 3:40pm By Milt Harris
    Here’s a pop quiz: If the left can’t blame a situation on racism, what is their secondary “Go To” excuse? I know it’s an easy question, especially since I gave you the answer in the title. Yep, it’s sexist.…
  • Socialists are inspired by Kamala Harris--how concerned should Americans be

    Wed 3:40pm By Elizabeth Marshall
    To our American friends. How concerned should Americans be, when the leader of the Canadian “socialist/communist” party (NDP), Jagmeet Singh, finds it a great “idea” that Kamala Harris is running for President, of the United States?…
  • Was Secret Service negligent or complicit?

    Wed 3:40pm By Roger Aronoff
    Just two days after Joe Biden announced he is dropping out of the presidential race, and Vice President Kamala Harris became the heir apparent to that nomination, former director of the Secret Service, Kimberly Cheatle, resigned Tuesday after a stunning…
  • Trump: A Lightning Rod Attracting All Who Hate America

    Wed 3:39pm By Dennis Jamison
    Eight years ago, just prior to the presidential primary in California, I witnessed less lethal hatred in California when it reared its ugly presence in San Jose, California. During that hot summer, Trump was out on the campaign trail in the time leading to the…
  • A Pilot Plant for Net Zero

    Wed 8:32am By Viv Forbes
    Both solar and wind energy have fatal flaws – solar stops when the sun goes down or if a cloud blocks the sun; wind fails if the wind is too strong or too weak. But every day we hear of some fantastic and expensive plan to keep the lights on when these…
  • They Are Closing Up The Internet

    Wed 7:49am By Frontier Centre for Public Policy
    Such confusing times, so much in dispute, so much to discover and know. Billions of people are right now lifting their phones to their faces and searching for answers. The results they see are dramatically different from what they were just a few years ago.…
  • Were The Fires last Summer Deliberately Set?

    Wed 7:41am By Frontier Centre for Public Policy
    A Google Earth satellite video is making the rounds on twitter. It shows the moment an arc of fires began in northern Quebec, the smoke rising. It looks like people calculated the prevailing winds so that the smoke would blow south. Then connected via sat…
  • Plenty Wrong With UManitoba's Purge Of Colonialist Art

    Tue 10:16pm By Frontier Centre for Public Policy
    “Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past,” George Orwell wrote in 1984. A powerful example of that is happening right now as Cultural Marxists are decolonializing the art collection at the University of…
  • Free Speech Was Curtailed In Canada--Did You Notice?

    Tue 9:58pm By Frontier Centre for Public Policy
    In the waning days of June, the federal Liberal government, supported by the New Democratic Party, passed legislation to take away some of the rights to free speech in Canada.…
  • Sites Of Truth, Sites Of Conscience: The Special Interlocutor's Historical Report

    Tue 9:53pm By Frontier Centre for Public Policy
    The Office of the Special Interlocutor (OSI) has released its historical report (Sites of Truth, Sites of Conscience: Unmarked Burials and Mass Graves of Missing and Disappeared Indigenous Children in Canada).…
  • ‘Hottest Year In History' Alarms Are False

    Tue 9:42pm By Frontier Centre for Public Policy
    It’s that time of year for breathless reports about planetary heating. Multilateral institutions, including the United Nations, recently made worldwide headlines, proclaiming 2023 as the hottest year in history.…
  • This Off Duty Security Guard Was On Duty To Protect His Invaded Home and Family

    Tue 10:05am By Nadra Enzi
    'Tucker, who works as a security guard, says he was in the back of the house with his youngest son when he heard the commotion. He rushed out from his hallway and saw the man hitting his 11-year-old.' (First Coast News, July 22, 2024)

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